Support & Documentation

Need some help? Whether you're just getting started or looking to dive deeper, this is the place to start!

Start with Corey's "how to get started" video to learn how to create your first image:

Support guides and articles

Creating templates

Templates are the same as other OMGIMG images, except they will be used to generate images over and over again. Templates often contain placeholders that will be populated with post content (or other content from your WordPress site), when you generate an image. For example, you might create an OMGIMG image with text in the…

The OMG image builder

The OMGIMG image builder offers lots of options for designing beautiful, compelling images for your posts, products, and socials. Here’s how the builder keeps things simple.

Using your logos with OMGIMG

There are many places in OMGIMG where you might use your own logos. Here’s how to get the most out of them.

Learning more about Open Graph

Here are some of our favorite resources for learning more about Open Graph and images and metadata for sharing on socials.

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